Monday, July 27, 2009

Drowning is not allowed (Part II)

My brief three days stint as substitute life guard is finally over. And mercifully the only thing I had to rescue was a nose clip whose owner was less than willing to descend to the depths of the pool to retrieve it.
After the successful recovery of the nose clip my confidence is high and I am quite prepared to do more rescuing, be it of nose clips, earplugs or even swimming caps lying at the bottom. Infect I now feel confident enough to attempt to bring up to the surface something even as large and heavy as …................................Swimming goggles

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Drowning is not allowed

The life guard and coach at the swimming pool that I go to is going away for a few days, so yesterday, as a favor, I was asked to cover for her.
Since I know that I am an acceptable enough swimmer, and since it is only for a couple of days, I accepted to be the substitute.
Now that I have accepted, an irksome thought keeps recurring to me and that is that although my swimming capabilities are adequate, my life saving capability is hitherto untested and I am reverently praying that it remains untested for the next two days also.
I was just contemplating in my mind what would happen if somebody did go underwater. Since most of the ladies frequenting the pool are 80 plus kg begmats, the prospect of rescuing one, if the need arises, is anything but pleasant. I would probably pull her out and then I would wring her neck afterwards for daring to drown on my day. I have a good mind to post a note at the pool entrance.
All drownings to be postponed till regular guard returns
Or else……