Saturday, September 11, 2010

Eid Mubarik

Shawal 1, 1431 Hijri
Eid ul Fitr

It is Eid ul Fitr today and had my grandmother been alive this would have been her first Eid away from my grandfather (so I have heard) in their 66 years of marriage.
But it was destined not to be so.
On the 22nd of Ramadan, my grandmother also passed away, barely three months after the death of my grandfather in June.
The room they used to occupy is suddenly very empty. It used to be full of activity only up till a few months ago, with relatives and friends constantly visiting, attendants coming in for daily bathing, changing and massaging activities.
Now there is nothing, just emptiness.
(Though my aunt still resides in that room but the feeling of emptiness remains. Maybe the emptiness is more psychological than physical).
Their vacant beds indicate that the occupants have found better and more comfortable resting places.
My grandparents passing away in rapid succession of one another is a tremendous loss to us, but at the same time it is also consoling to know that they are once again together and in a much better place.
For now all I can think of saying is,
Eid mubarik to you: Nano and Nana Abu.
May God grant you a high place in heaven? And may this Eid of yours in afterlife be as wonderful as the 66 heavenly Eid ul Fitrs you spent on this earth together.

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