Saturday, June 6, 2020


It was totally by chance that I got acquainted with Jim Kwik and his Podcasts but it has had a profound effect on me, which is saying something, since I don't get affected by much.
I was affected enough or should I say impressed enough to buy Jim's new book " Limitless" that has just come out, though I have not read it yet.
Purchase of the book is accompanied by complimentary access to lots of resource material which include zoom sessions, hosted by Jim Kwik, with lots of celebrities and motivational speakers. Most of which I managed to attend, even though they took place at midnight according to my time zone.
Like Jim, a lot of things Jim's invited speakers said also made a lot of sense. 
To quote ( though not verbatim) Tom Bilyeu who appeared in one of Jim Kwik’s “Limitless Together” zoom sessions: 

If you have not reached where you want to reach in life till now, it means that you have not incorporated a sense of urgency in your life. You need a sense of urgency to build momentum.
Momentum is everything. To get beyond the state of inertia you need to build momentum to reach your escape velocity.

Wise words. I call them wise words because they make sense and also because I can relate to it.
Tom Bilyeu
What I sorely lack is a sense of urgency in my life. There are so many things I like to achieve some time in the not too distant future but which I have not even gotten around to start as yet simply because of two words which happen to be the mantra of all procrastinators.
One day!!!
But which day?  That never gets decided.
Admittedly, I am not the only one doing that. There is a whole world of procrastinators out there lulling themselves to sleep each night by repeating the same two magic words. One day!!!
But knowing that you are probably not the only procrastinator in the world doesn't actually improve the situation much. Since you pretty much stay rooted to the same spot where you were in the first place.

When you want to reach a goal in life, give it a specific date and work out the specifics down to the last little detail so that you can work towards achieving it.

Another insightful advice from Tom Bilyeu and again one that makes sense. Best part is that it gives you a road map on how to get to where you want to be.
Lately, like J J Virgin, another one of Jim's zoom speakers, I have also started wearing a rubber band around my wrist. Virgin would snap the rubber band sharply every time she had a negative thought or a self doubt.  Though my purpose of wearing the rubber band is different from Virgin's but the intention is the same, which is to use the pain as a reminder to get your thoughts back on track.

One of my favorite quotes from Jim is:

 If you fight for your limitations you get to keep them.

If you are going to make up excuses for why you are unable to do something, that excuse will become a reality. 
He drills that into you until you finally realize and accept that the only one stopping you from reaching your potential is you. 
He teaches you how to tackle seemingly mammoth tasks that you have been putting off simply because they are too daunting and appear unattainable by taking small bite sized steps.
I have also begun to admire the man for his ability to break down deep set mindsets that we have been living with all our lives.
Though I have yet to receive and read my copy of "Limitless", I have already begun to accept what deep down inside I have always known myself.
And that is, that in the end it’s not about all the pep talk, it’s not about all the techniques you learn, not even about the realization regarding what is lacking. It’s about you taking yourself by the collar, giving yourself a good hard shake and doing whatever needs to be done in order to build up that momentum to reach your escape velocity.

Jim Kwik 

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