Sunday, March 22, 2020

A dystopic Society

I am not particularly fond of books or movies that portray a dystopic society: a world where the human race is forced to live in unnatural circumstances. I figure that there are enough problems in the world as it is and to read about more made up ones is something that I would personally like to avoid. Books to me are a form of relaxation and enjoyment, I would rather do without the stress of knowing that the world is heading towards a depressing future.
I may not like them, but I have watched a few such movies and read a few such books because in the end I can always reassure myself and say, “it is only fiction, none of that nonsense is actually happening or even likely to happen”
But for the past few days, it is beginning to feel like that dystopia has actually caught up with us. It snuck up on us when we were least expecting it.  The Coronavirus is scary, but how it has made the world react is even scarier. Lock downs, self-isolations, social distancing, separation from loved ones. What has the world come to in a matter of days?
It is distressing to know that I and others of my time are possibly living in circumstances that I do not even like to read about in books.
Every time I turn on the TV, almost every message I receive on my phone and every other source of information that I have access to confirms on daily basis how the situation is escalating from bad to worse.
In the absence of any vaccine, faith is probably the only thing that keeps us going on a day to day basis. And faith in the human race is something that I do have.
Catastrophes like this bring out the best and the worst in people. For every shop owner who has increased the price of basic necessities of life in his store, there are others who are donating the required stuff to the needy free of cost.
For every individual who is panic buying and hoarding stuff, there are others who are delivering it to the doorsteps of those who they think need it.
Focus on the positives. That is the important thing to do right now.
This will pass as other calamities have passed before it.
We humans are nothing if not resilient. All species have the inherent trait for self-preservation but the ability to bounce back and resume the normal routine of life is probably always been best exhibited by none other than humankind.

Till better times, let’s keep our faith in humanity and in God to see us through this chaos.

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